Customer Feedback

Feedback from our customers provides Equitable Bank with opportunities to learn and improve. Equitable Bank recognizes the right of our customers to make a complaint, compliment or make suggestions on ways to improve services.

To assist Equitable Bank in ensuring that the delivery of our services to those with disabilities is provided in an effective and timely manner, the customer is invited to provide their feedback as follows:

  1. In writing, in person, e-mail, or telephone, addressed to:

    Accessibility Coordinator - Equitable Bank
    Equitable Bank Tower
    30 St. Clair Ave. West, Suite 700
    Toronto, Ontario M4V 3A1
    Phone: +1-(416) 515-7000
    Fax: (416) 515-7001


  2. By completing the Customer Feedback Form.

All feedback will directed to the Accessibility Coordinator. Customers can expect to hear back within 5 business days acknowledging receipt of feedback and will set out the action to be taken in response to any feedback correspondence.

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