TFSA Savings Account Fast-track your savings goals with 2.00% tax-free interest*
Open a TFSAYour high-interest, no-fee investment options.
Earn 2.00%* on your cash savings
Every dollar in your TFSA Savings Account earns tax-free high interest.
Take your savings further. Explore the full range of rates and term options for GICs.
View GIC ratesWhat is a TFSA?
A Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) is a registered account designed to help you save for your goals—long- or short-term, big or small—with high interest and zero tax on your investment growth or withdrawals.
Grow your savings, tax-free.
Tax-free withdrawals.
No fees or minimum balance.
Is our TFSA right for you?
It’s right for you if:
- You’ve reached the age of majority in the province you reside.
- You need an all-purpose solution with the flexibility to save for many goals in one account.
- You expect to have annual contribution room that’s not based on your earned income.
- You want your savings to grow over time tax-free, with the ability to withdraw your money whenever you need it.
- You’re looking for an account that’s eligible for CDIC protection.
- You're looking for a completely digital banking experience.
It’s not right for you if:
- You don’t have available TFSA contribution room.
- You want to make tax-deductible contributions.
Open your TFSA online
- Log in or become an EQ Bank customer in a few clicks.
- Head to Products, scroll to TFSA and open an account.
- Start earning 2.00% tax-free interest* on your savings.

Account Details | TFSA | RSP |
If you’re saving for… | Vacation, emergency fund, etc. | Retirement |
2025 tax year contribution deadline | December 31, 2025 | March 3, 2026 |
2025 tax year contribution limit | $7,0001 | Get limit info |
Are contributions tax-deductible? | No | Yes |
Are withdrawals taxed? | No | Yes |
Open a TFSA | Explore RSP |
Visit our FAQ for more details about TFSAs.